Our Story

Determined and excited to place her own mark and aesthetics to the beloved family shop, she perfectly balanced her new and modern design aspects with the well established, classic features of a landmark building in the small town of Parys. The end product is a Home and Lifestyle Goods Store that celebrates craftsmanship.

"Enstyle is the result of a dream, a desire to travel,
a passion to create and a wish to connect."

Anke’s backpacking Odessey around Europe and India, crammed with a hundred unwashed armpits into a bus, inspired her to combine her love for travel with her passion for unusual artifacts and design to establish a beautiful medley of collections and products that breath quality and satisfaction to your everyday rituals, all housed in the casually luxurious home of lifestyle and design, EnStyle.

"Enstyle is not only a shop, it is a destination,
and we look forward to seeing you here."